Cash Flow
- We provide the cash flow
- Weekly agent and driver settlements
Credit and Collections
- West Motor manages the credit risk
- Prompt credit decisions
- Professional credit department
National Accounts Sales Program
- West Motor has strong relationships with major customers
- Targeted marketing programs
- Regionally domiciled professional sales team that works for YOU!
Billing and Paperwork Processing
- Corporate administrative center
- Online access
- Accurate billing to your customers
- State-of-the-art technology
Owner Operator Settlements
- Accurate, easy to read weekly settlements
- Fuel savings clearly shown each week and YTD
Comdata Fuel Cards
- Comdata fuel cards with daily limits for fuel and cash advances
- No transaction fee at preferred stops
Liability and Cargo Insurance
- West Motor provides all insurance coverage required by your customers
- Special endorsements are available
Owner Operator Insurance
- West Motor has excellent programs available for your owner operators including:
- Physical damage
- Occupational/accidental
- West Motor has state-of-the-art technology available at no cost to you. Features
- Online processing – access from any computer
- No special software required
- Electronic document imaging
- Electronic data interchange
Operating Authority
- West Motor has complete DOT operating authority and licenses including:
- Contract Carrier Authority
- Common Carrier Authority
- Property Broker’s License
- US Customs Bond
Safety and Regulatory Compliance
- West Motor maintains a “satisfactory” safety rating with the US DOT compliance
and regulatory issues. These include:
- Driver screening
- State of the art driver processing and setup with online tracking
- Driver’s daily log processing
- Record keeping
- Regulatory reporting
- Safety meetings
Fuel and Mileage Tax Reporting
West Motor provides all fuel and road tax compilation and reporting. West Motor will
pay for all the fuel and road taxes for the independent contractors. We use
Comdata and in-house technology for collecting and reporting the necessary
information to meet the requirements of the International Fuel Tax Agreement
Permits and Bonds
West Motor will provide necessary operating permits and bonds.